1:1 tutoring
individualized programs tailored specifically to your child’s needs
20 years in business
2k+ students helped
115k+ tutoring hours
multi-year winner of the Consumer Choice Award for best tutor in Durham Region
qualified teachers
specialized in working with students of varied levels and diagnoses
tutors committed to making your child feel great about themselves and their accomplishments
tutors respectfully provide achievable challenges within a positive environment
Elementary & High School Programs
Decision making & problem solving
High School Programs
All high school English courses
All high school mathematics courses
All high school science courses
Homework support for all other high school courses including French
About Us
Director and Staff
Dr. Donald Clark is both the director and an instructor at the tutoring centre. He has worked with children and adolescents during his entire career. Dr. Clark worked as a youth worker at a treatment centre in Toronto for two years before entering the public educations system for ten years as a teacher of English, math, and special education. He opened the tutoring centre in September 2000 so that high-quality, specialized programs would be made available to local residents. The entire tutoring staff has a genuine desire to foster development in students that will result in higher academic achievement and improved self-esteem.
Educational Background
Dr. Clark completed his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees at Queen’s University. After commencing his teaching career, he took courses to obtain certification as a Specialist in Special Education within the Durham District School Board. Shortly thereafter he undertook a Masters of Education degree at the University of Toronto. He continued his graduate studies at U of T and achieved his Doctorate of Education. The focus of his graduate studies was reading and writing instruction. His thesis focused specifically on establishing effective reading instruction methods for students experiencing difficulties in this area.